Shooting Survivor Suzanna Hupp - Legislators Legislated Me Out Of The Right to Defend Myself
Kieler Militia Supply is here to educate the masses on their rights and help shed light on firearms. We are here to support the "Unorganized Militia" and "Organized Militia". --“I ask who are the militia? They consist now of the whole people, except a few public officers.” – George Mason, Address to the Virginia Ratifying Convention, June 4, 1788
Wednesday, March 31, 2021
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
2020 Slanted News and worst Journalism Seen Explained
2020 Slanted News and worst Journalism Seen Explained best by Sharyl Attkisson.
Hillsdale College presents:
Saturday, March 20, 2021
Pfizer Executives were caught talking about Profiteering on Covid 19 vaccine paid for by Taxpayers
Pfizer Executives were caught talking about Profiteering on Covid 19 vaccine paid for by Taxpayers
It's time to end profiteering on the backs of Taxpayer funds.
IE EpiPen Covid19 Vaccine and anything taxpayers paid for.
I don't buy into the vaccine and I personally will not take it, but these companies have screwed so many over with no recourse. It's time to change the financing of pharma and laws and regulation on how taxpayer funds are used. If we paid for the R&D then we should have a say on the markup and should be able to regulate it.
Pfizer Transcript
Pfizer-usq Transcript 2021-03-11 by jkieler on Scribd
Wednesday, March 17, 2021
FACT-Checking PolitiFact Lies
Tuesday, March 9, 2021
H.R. 8 H.R. 1446 Updates help oppose craziness.
From GOA:
I want to thank you and GOA’s entire grassroots team. All of you have been amazing.
Since last week, GOA activists have sent more than 1.5 million emails to congressional Republicans — urging them NOT to compromise on H.R. 8 and H.R. 1446.
But our job is not yet done.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D) and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D) have scheduled votes this week in BOTH chambers.
So now is not the time to go silent!
Here’s what is at stake:
- H.R. 8. This bill would criminalize every transfer of a firearm unless it first goes through a government screening process — aka, gun owner registration — or unless the transfer fulfills one of the very few exemptions in the legislation. NOTE: Because “transfer” is not defined, even handing a gun to a neighbor could be severely punished.
- H.R. 1446. This bill would subject law-abiding gun owners to indefinite delays for those who are seeking FBI permission to purchase a firearm.
- Anti-gun Attorney General. In the Senate, virulent anti-gunner Merrick Garland will receive a confirmation vote on his nomination for Attorney General. Garland has supported a ban on semi-automatic firearms and says he has “no opinion” on whether the FBI can indefinitely delay firearms purchases!
Even if you sent a letter before — on any of the above issues — go ahead and do so again. We have new letters for you to send!
And please consider donating to GOA’s 2A Protection Fund so that we can mobilize even more gun owners.
Thank you for your support and activism! Click Take Action below and sign an email to representatives.
Sunday, March 7, 2021
Project: Civilian Marksmanship Competition Rifle day 2
Project: Civilian Marksmanship Competition Rifle day 2
Planning on what works and what doesn't for engravings. Print out what you want to be engraved by printing, cutting, and placing on the receiver. Trial and error to see what fits and where.
If your looking for ATF guidelines for engravings you can review them here:
Kieler Militia Supply 80% Engraving Instructions by jkieler on Scribd

Friday, March 5, 2021
Human Rights violations in Germany. Forced Vaccination leads to deaths
Human Rights violations in Germany. Forced Vaccination leads to deaths
Covid 19 Forced Vaccination leads to Inhumane Deaths in Germany by jkieler on Scribd
New ATF Rule comes for Everyone with Guns. THIS IS A MUST WATCH!!! This is insane. Contact your politicians immediately. What I see out i...
T-Mobile Tyranny Coming in January 2024 Contact your politicians this is a violation of privacy and should be pushed to Antitrust Hearings....
BREAKING: Polymer80 Closes After Being Sued Out Of Business